Cloud Billing Comparison: Google Cloud vs Microsoft Azure

October 07, 2021

As more and more businesses migrate to the cloud, choosing the right cloud provider becomes increasingly important. One of the key factors to consider is the pricing and billing structure offered by different providers. In this blog post, we will compare the cloud billing and cost management of Google Cloud vs Microsoft Azure.

Pricing Model

Both Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means you only pay for what you use. This is a great advantage for businesses, as it provides flexibility and cost savings.

Google Cloud charges for their services based on a combination of usage and resources types. They offer sustained use discounts, which can save customers up to 30% on their virtual machine costs if they run their VMs for a significant portion of the billing month. Additionally, they have committed use discounts and custom pricing available for customers signing extended contracts.

On the other hand, Microsoft Azure offers a consumption-based pricing model, which means you pay only for the resources you use. They offer various discounts as well, including prepayment, reserved instances, and spot instances pricing models.

Cost Calculators

To help businesses understand their cloud usage and calculate potential costs, both Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure offer cost calculators. These tools enable customers to estimate their monthly bills and compare the pricing of different services offered by the providers.

Google Cloud's pricing calculator offers a detailed cost estimate for each service based on the usage charges, and discounts offered. They provide users with a robust dashboard that can effectively estimate the total cost of different cloud services.

Microsoft Azure's pricing calculator is also rich in features, allowing users to estimate costs based on various parameters, such as region, usage type, and service type. They also offer a TCO calculator that assists users in analyzing the total cost of the service over a period of time.

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, both Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure offer a 24/7 support system through various mediums like phone, chat, email, and forums. Both providers also have a vast collection of documentation, tutorials, and community forums that can help customers resolve issues and learn new things.


Choosing between Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure for your cloud billing and cost management is a tough choice, and both providers are highly competitive. However, in terms of flexibility and cost savings, Google Cloud seems to be a better option because they offer sustained discounts, while Microsoft Azure is more suitable for businesses seeking consumption-based pricing.

In any case, remember that any cloud project requires careful management of cost, performance, and compliance policies upfront to maximize the value of these platforms, regardless of the provider you choose.


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